Gift Shopping Made Easy
What's something your significant other absolutely can't live without? Coffee? Beer? Wine? Water? (Yes, some people actually drink that flavorless stuff, and yes, it can be consumed from any cup you like.)
We've got you covered with all the drinking cups you could need, and there's something for everyone on your list!
Order by the end of the day TODAY to guarantee delivery by Christmas in the U.S. You really have until sometime around noon tomorrow (Wednesday) to get your order in, since that's when our shipment will be going out.
Missed our deadline? Don't worry!
Small orders of 1 or 2 items and anything going to CA, WA, and OR will still ship Priority Mail in the U.S., so they should still arrive on time up until midday Dec. 22nd. We don't like to guarantee things that late in the game because sometimes the USPS doesn't follow through, but we'll still be shipping every day for you.
We also offer local pickup from our warehouse in the Parkrose neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. We'll be here weekdays 9:30-3:30, up until Dec. 22nd. We may be available outside those hours if you schedule something with us. Bringing cookies will also not go unappreciated. Call Amanda for more info: 971-2701-0694
Gift Cards = Instant Solution
Can't get to us by Christmas and missed our shipping deadlines? Get a gift card, and it will be emailed to you immediately!
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